Green Beginnings

One of the core values of the Northeast Community Park is that “fresh air, soft grass, and a place to play make happy, healthy people.”

That’s why this is such an exciting update straight from the ground beneath your feet. Life is sprouting! That's right; the grass is officially on its way!

We have planted 200 pounds of grass seed, and we couldn't be happier to report that our first batch is now starting to show some promising signs of life. It may not look like much yet, but to us, it's a celebration of life, the first step towards a vibrant, green carpet that will soon cover our beloved park.

So, what's the big deal about grass sprouting, you might wonder? Well, let us tell you – it's all about the promise of what's to come. Those tiny green shoots may be small and unassuming, but they represent the beginning of something beautiful. It's a symbol of the effort, love, and care we put into making this park a better place for all of you.

We have plans – big plans. Thousands more pounds of grass seed are going to find their new home in our park in the months to come. We're talking lush, green meadows, soft and inviting under your feet, perfect for picnics, play, and relaxation. It's like a makeover for your favorite outdoor hangout, and we're thrilled to be a part of it!

As the seasons change, so will we. Our grass will grow thicker, taller, and greener, providing you with a fresh and inviting place to connect with nature. Picture yourself sitting under the shade of our trees, feeling the cool breeze on your skin, and gazing out at our vibrant, flourishing grass. It's going to be a sight to behold, and it's all thanks to the seeds we've sown.

So, as you stroll through our park, take a moment to appreciate the tiny sprouts that are pushing their way through the soil. They may be small, but they're mighty – they're the promise of a greener, happier future for Northeast Community Park.

Stay tuned for more updates as our grass continues to grow, and remember, there's life in every blade!


Walking the Walk at the Northeast Community Park


Barbara Carlson: Our Bloomin' Park Superstar 🌼