Activities to do on a Snow Day

I was born and raised in Buffalo, NY, and so the occasional snow day was something we looked forward to! I remember times as a kid when we would wear our pajamas inside out and backwards just to see if our efforts would help make a snow day happen! Snow days were something to look forward to—an unexpected cold blessing! And that’s coming from a girl that loves the warmth and sun!

So, what are some of the best “Snow Day” activities for you and your family? Well, I’m glad you asked. Here is a list of 10 of my top favorite things!

1. Bake Cookies!

Sugar cookies are so much fun and easy to make! You can make them from scratch, or even run to the store and buy the pre-made cookie dough. Take some cookie cutters and let the kids have fun rolling out the dough and creating shapes! After the cookies finish cooling, grab some icing and sprinkles and allow the kids to decorate!

2. Balloons

Balloons are super cheap, but there are so many different things you can do with balloons. You can play games like “over and under,” keep the balloon in the air, or hide balloons around the house and go on a scavenger hunt. You can also take sharpies, draw funny faces on the balloons, and act out stories. Balloons can be used for so many fun activities!

3. Have an Indoor Picnic or Create a Blanket Fort

Grab all the blankets around the house, pillows, a flashlight, and books! Have everyone choose their favorite book and take it into the tent. You can then spend time hanging out as a family and sharing your favorite books with one another. Set up a blanket for an indoor picnic after and have lunch—or dinner—together!

4. Nerf War or Paper Airplane Competition

Give each member of your family a nerf gun and set up some rules that you are comfortable with as a family. (It might be a good idea to put some of the breakable items away so that they don’t accidentally get broken!) You can have a fun nerf war or divide your family into teams and play capture the flag. Another easy game is Hide and Seek!

If you prefer a game with a little less energy and less chance for things to get broken, then grab some paper and have everyone make their own paper airplanes. You can set up different targets around the house with different point values and see who can hit the targets. Or you can see whose airplane will go the furthest!

5. Go Outside and Play or Bring the Snow Inside

One of the fun things about snow days is getting all bundled up with coats, scarves, and mittens, and going outside to play! If you are like me and not a huge fan of the cold, you can take and bring some of the snow inside to play with. You can take watercolor paints and paint the snow or build a small snowman at the kitchen table.

6. Tea/Hot Chocolate Party

After being outside in the cold, what is better than hot chocolate or tea? Have the kids choose their favorite mug and spend some time making hot chocolate or tea and talk with your kids about some of their favorite things!

7. Movies and Blankets

Another fun idea is to grab some blankets, popcorn, and candy and watch a movie! One good thing to note is rotating who gets to choose the movie to help make it fair! Have fun watching a movie and afterwards talk about what you liked or didn’t like about the movie!

8. Create Your Own Crafts

Kids are creative! Grab some art supplies and give your kids an opportunity to create! You don’t have to have a set plan, just have them use their imagination! You will be amazed at what your kids can create with popsicle sticks or pipe cleaners!

9. Puzzles

Puzzles are so much fun to do and can help teach kids about working together. As a family, choose a puzzle to do and work on it together! When you finish you can even frame the puzzle and hang it in the house!

10. Dance Party

Music is a lot of fun! Put some music on, turn the volume up, and have a dance party! See who can come up with the funniest dance moves! Have fun with it!

Snow days are days to simply put your work and agenda away and have fun! Enjoy time together as a family and create memories!


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