Backstage Pass

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Way back when President Obama wasn’t yet President Obama, when he was still just a rising star, he came to Springfield. Alan and I were in our “pre-kid” days, so our schedule was pretty open and pretty flexible. So, we decided it might be interesting to go. 

I don’t remember much about the rally.

I think it was in a school auditorium. I remember that they were handpicking people to sit up on stage behind Senator Obama (we were not picked for that). I don’t remember what he said or what questions he answered. I just remember wanting to go because we just knew, “This guy—he’s going to be somebody!” 

Another time, Alan had a front-row seat to see President George W. Bush. I saw D.C. Talk on their Jesus Freak tour (it was so exciting!!). And I’m sure you’ve done that too: made plans, stood in line, bought tickets, and driven or flown to see a politician, musician, sports team, celebrity (fill in the blank). 

Can you imagine if Jesus were coming to Springfield!

You’d have to stay up until midnight the day before tickets were to go on sale to have any chance to grab a couple. Hotels would be sold out. The line would wrap around the block. Parking would be a nightmare. 

There would be protestors, and T-shirts for sale, and news reporters galore. People would bring their tents and camp out overnight just to catch a glimpse of Jesus as He walked past. 

There are very few things I can think of that I wouldn’t do to meet Jesus.

I’d quit my job. Sell my house. Give away everything I own.

And meeting Jesus is the best reason I can think of for reading the Bible every day. Because that is where I’m most likely to see Him. He’s there in the pages. And when I go there too, I can listen to Him, experience Him, and encounter Him face-to-face. And there in the Bible I don’t just get to see Him from Section CC, the cheap seats; I get an up-close-and-personal post-event meet-and-greet. 

Think of it—meeting with the Maker of the universe and Author of my salvation. I can’t pass up that opportunity.


Relationship or Religion


How I Read the Parables