Just at Fault

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This Week We’re Reading:

This week we are reading Acts 10:1-43. We are learning from the story of Peter and Cornelius that God loves every person the same! God doesn't play favorites and we shouldn't either. It is important for us to show God's love to all people.

In our Bible reading, Peter prayed with Cornelius' entire family to accept Jesus that day and it was a miracle! It happened because Peter chose to treat others just as God does. He showed love to Cornelius and his family even though they were different.

It is so important for us to show everyone love the way that God shows His love to all people!

Want to dig deeper? Check out these scriptures:

Colossians 3:10-11

Acts 13:1

This Week We’re Asking:

This week we are talking about loving people all the same and that we can show love to our neighbors. Here are a few questions to help you start the conversation as a family:

  • What do you think the phrase, "God Loves All People The Same," means?

  • Read John 3:16, what are your thoughts about how this verse speaks about God's feelings about people?

  • Does our world sometimes make it hard to show love to others?

  • How should we respond to everyone?

This Week We’re Doing:

Throughout the Just series, we will be focusing on how to be engaged in our community. We will have resources and opportunities to do just that, but consider this a warm-up. Talk with your family about areas of the community that need us to be involved. Make a list of all the ways you can have an impact on those around you that might be struggling.

Here are some key areas you can be on the lookout for to serve:

  • Local food banks

  • Needs in local stores

  • Connecting with a local homeless shelter

  • Someone elderly who needs help in their yard or home

  • Thinking of ways to show love and kindness to your neighbors

After you decide - reach out and add it to your calendar! We have been asking ourselves the same questions, and have some opportunities lined up to serve as a church family, too! Don’t forget to check out our Serve Day on June 12th!

Know - no matter the size - you taking the time to show kindness will be SIGNIFICANT and a picture of CHRIST'S LOVE!

This Week We’re Memorizing:

John 15:12
This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you.

Mark 12:30-31
And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’ The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.”

Prepare for Sunday:

Sunday is a special day!

First, the kids are leading the service. What what?!?

Second, the masking requirement will be finished, so, there will be lots of hugs, handshakes, and high-fives (maybe even a few brotherly kisses).

But, most importantly, God has been good and has loved us deeply. Pray over your heart as you read John 15:12 and Mark 12:30-31. May we love one another!


Who is my Neighbor?


Seeing People. Loving People.