Meet Praise’s Youth Pastor

We are overjoyed to introduce our new Youth Pastor, Daniela Ballew. Her journey of faith and unwavering dedication to youth ministry is a story that we are eager to share and celebrate with our church community.

Meet Daniela Ballew

Daniela, originally from Monterrey, Mexico, has been shaped by a life dedicated to ministry and service. Her family moved to Cabot, Arkansas, to start a Hispanic church, where Daniela grew up immersed in a vibrant faith community at The Assembly Cabot. It was here that her path in youth ministry was forged.

From her early days as a drummer-in-training at age 14 to a profound encounter with Jesus at 15, Daniela's faith journey has been marked by significant milestones. At 17, she recognized her calling to youth ministry, becoming a student leader and later, a youth pastor at 23 in a local church in Cabot. These experiences have deeply enriched her life and ministry.

Still serving at that church, now at the age of 34, Daniela is happily married to her husband, Darren Ballew. Together, they share their lives with three beloved fur babies (no human babies yet). Daniela's story is one of following God's call with passion and purpose.

Vision for Praise

Daniela brings to Praise a wealth of experience and a heartfelt commitment to nurturing the spiritual growth of our youth. Her skills in teamwork, relationship-building, and creating impactful experiences for young people resonate deeply with our church's values and mission.

Speaking of Daniela’s hiring, Pastor Alan shared, “This has been a long, deliberate, and prayerful process. At every step of the way, the board, the staff, and I did our best to follow the Spirit’s leading. I know that Daniela is the right youth pastor for Praise and I am stoked for what God has in store!” Pastor Daniela added, “I am excited for what the future holds at Praise! My heart is full of expectation as I know God is getting ready to do something major in this next generation.”


“I am excited for what the future holds at Praise! My heart is full of expectation as I know God is getting ready to do something major in this next generation.”

Pastor Daniela Ballew


Join Us in Welcoming Her

When you get the opportunity, make sure to warmly welcome Daniela Ballew. Because English is her second language, feel free to do do it in Spanish! Her journey from Monterrey to Cabot, and now to our community, reflects the beautiful workings of faith and the power of a life dedicated to God's calling. Daniela’s first youth service is scheduled for January 21st. Be there to  celebrate this new chapter in our church's journey.

Looking Ahead

We are thrilled to embark on this new chapter with Daniela at the helm of our youth ministry. Her vision, passion, and leadership are sure to inspire and empower our young people in extraordinary ways. We are filled with anticipation for the blessings and joyous moments that lie ahead with Daniela's guidance.


No-Phone February Challenge


Unsettled Sincerity