Starting a Prayer Journal

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A spiritual discipline that has impacted me the most is prayer journaling. In fact, I would say that it is one of the key things that has helped me to grow in the overall discipline of prayer. I can already imagine my wide array of notebooks—some with leather covers and others just plain composition—filled with heartfelt requests and powerful testimonies of what God has done in my life.

Sadly, so many have very little knowledge of what "prayer journaling" is and several fail to embrace it and experience its benefits. That is why I wanted to share a few reasons as to why this practice is influential and some key things you can include when prayer journaling. Even though there are great prayer journals you can purchase, my favorite has always been done on a blank page of my notebook. This offers an open space for the words of my heart to be poured out to the Father.

Some reasons prayer journaling is impactful:

  1. It helps you focus—

    When I first started growing in the discipline of prayer it was hard for me to stay focused for extended periods of time. The simplicity of writing out the prayers, instead of just keeping them "in my head," was actually very effective. I would take the time to write out prayers and see that it actually helped me extend those prayer times. If you are like meand have a hard time focusingprayer journaling can be extremely beneficial.

  2. It helps you process—

    As you begin to pray and process through things I find that writing them down is really instrumental. So many times as I was praying through a need or Scripture I would write out my thoughts and it would help me. This was especially beneficial for "praying through Scripture." This would prove itself rewarding when I would come to certain passages, take the time to write out the Scripture, and apply that Scripture to my life.

  3. It helps you remember—

    I think one of the coolest things is when you can look back at prayer journal entries of the past and be reminded. You can flip through pages and see the testimony of the mercy and grace of God in your life and the lives of others. Sometimes when I am in need of remembrance I will flip through the pages and be reminded of God's faithfulness in previous situations. This encourages me that He is working in my current situation.

Some ideas on how to start prayer journaling:

  1. An attitude of gratitude (Thanksgiving)—

    Start out with writing down a few things that you are thankful for. I challenge myself to try to do different things each day. It really begins to shift your focus and mindset. You begin to see and become even more grateful for the people, places, and things that God has placed in your life.

  2. Specific prayers (Supplication)—

    This is a great time for what I call "targeted prayer" which are the things in your life that need more concentration and focus. This is where you can process through the situation and let your faith be built up. I will sometimes write out Scripture that goes with that specific situation or need (more on that next). But it has been great for me to move my prayer life from just "handing up requests" to "prayer and supplication" just like Scripture tells us.

  3. Praying through Scripture you have read that day (Application)—

    I love this one! I will often pick a passage that I read through that day and write it out. Then I begin to "pray through" that passage, writing out things that stood out to me and my situation. It is also a great way to take time to really focus in and meditate on any given passage of Scripture.

  4. Prayer for others (Intercession)—

    This is one of my favorites. I pick a different person or family in my life to pray for each day. I write out a prayer for them. Often when I am done I will take a moment and text those people to let them know I prayed for them and offer some encouragement. I have seen that when I "make space" for this, it is more likely to happen. Often at the front of my prayer journals I keep a "running prayer list." We have all had someone ask us to pray for a need, and really want to, but it piles up with all the other thoughts in our mind. I have seen this as an effective way to REALLY pray for the needs of others.

I hope this has given you some fresh ideas and a new perspective about prayer journaling. Now grab a notebook and start writing.


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The Playbook - Prayer