What if You Can’t Trust Your Own Mind? Devo Kit

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This Week We’re Doing:

We are getting excited about Easter!! What is one specific thing you are believing Jesus for coming in to Easter Season? What is one thing you are excited to see Jesus do in Praise Assembly this season? What is a mindset that could keep you from all that God is wanting to do in your life? What are some ways you can work on that mindset this week?
We are excited for things to go to the NEXT LEVEL at Praise.

The Fast:

This week, we invite you to join us in our weekly fast of shopping for non-essential items. Our culture has made it so easy to spend time shopping online or walking through stores. Scrolling through Amazon or looking through the mall for non-essentials can be very time consuming. This week, we want to use that time to engage deeper in prayer and community with Christ.

This Week We’re Reading:

This week we are continuing our journey by reading from the life of Christ in Luke 18:18-34. Click the “Read Now” button to be directed to the passage.

Read Now

This Week We’re Asking:

This week we are talking about John the Baptist and the importance of our mindset. Here are a few questions to lead a discussion with your family this week:

  1. Where do we find out what God says is true?

  2. What are some areas that you struggle with in your thoughts that you might need to “Name, Restrain, and Reframe”?

  3. What is something as a family God may be preparing us to do?

Preparing for Sunday:

“Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.”

— Ephesians 3:20

Infinitely more.

Wait. Seriously? Infinitely more? Not 10% more, not 100% more. An infinite% more. How many times do our expectations of God limit Him? He is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to so far exceed what we might be bold enough to ask, or wise enough to think, that it cannot be characterized in word or number. Did you catch that it was His power at work WITHIN US? This isn’t His power up above, but that which is already in us. I don’t want to limit His power at work WITHIN me. Do you?

In preparation for Sunday, literally open your hands and lay them in front of yourself. Pray to God and say, “God, I do not want to limit Your power with my expectations. Instead, I just trust You to do what You want to do. Blow my mind, heart, and expectations away. I want what You offer. I come with open hands.”

Amen to that.


Fasting Fail


Prepare the Way | Mental Breakdown | Week 3