
This Week We’re Reading:

Matthew 7:1-6

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This Week We’re Asking:

Jesus tells us in Matthew 7 that we should deal with our own hearts before we judge someone else. Here are a few questions as we have a family discussion.

  1. Why do you think it is important for us to deal with our own hearts before we try to change others?

  2. Parents, choose one political issue that you stand for and walk through why you stand for it with your kids.

  3. What do you think is one way that you can seek God this week?

Matthew 7:1-6 focuses on the need to seek God in our own hearts before we worry about changing others.

This Week We’re Doing:

This week’s faith-in-action challenge is a great reminder of what Jesus said in Matthew 7. Today, find 20 minutes as a family to seek God to allow Him to change our hearts from the inside out. Ask God to reveal the areas of hypocricy in our lives and to help us lead through life with His grace.


From the Inside Out!


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