It’s Time to go Logging

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I am a nerd, for many reasons. One reason is how I super enjoy looking up the meaning of words and their origin. Today I looked up the word logging on the Meriam-Webster website. 




Definition of log (Entry 2 of 6)

Transitive Verb

1a: to cut (trees) for lumber

This particular definition of logging refers to cutting trees for lumber. If I were to write a definition of logging for the verses in Matthew 7:1-6 I would define it as:




Definition of log 

Transitive Verb

1:  to remove (trees) from one’s eyes to avoid being a hypocrite while living one’s life to honor and glorify God 

Clearly I should keep to reading the dictionary and not forming my own definitions.

I digress…. 

When I view the actions of others I view them as I think they are. When I assess my own actions I view them from what my intentions are. 

When you take intentions into consideration it changes EVERYTHING.

I assume that the people closest to me know me well enough to know what my intentions are. When I am misunderstood I am shocked that they judged me in a different way. 

In Matthew chapter 7 Jesus starts right off with,

“Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. For you will be treated as you treat others.”

If I am going to judge myself in light of my intentions, do I not owe it to the situation, or person I am judging, to also take into consideration their intentions? 

Just like the current culture, intentions can ebb and flow based on feelings and what seems right at the time. 

Since I cannot always know someone’s intentions I can ALWAYS look inside myself to see where this same situation or wrong, lives within me. There are a few things that I know to be true:

I am human. I am flawed. 

Friends, when I have been most offended, most irritated, most about to lose my mind with someone or something, it is almost always, hands down, when I have a log in my eye. That speck in my friends eye, my husband’s eye, my kids eye… it illuminates so glaringly bright to me while I think I can see clearly through my eyes. 

When I take a breath, step back from the situation, and take it to the Lord for clarity;

that is when the log most often becomes exposed. I want to be in a place where I can help my friend with their “speck” but that is not going to happen if I don’t take the time to search my own heart, my own motives and intentions. 

I have to FREQUENTLY go logging. Just like a tree that is cut down by a logger there is hard work and sometimes pain in the process. When that tree is cut and hits the ground what a different view we gain! 


Living Hope


From the Inside Out!