Northeast Community Park Receives $57,000 Grant

A major chunk of Phase 1 of the Northeast Community Park is the completion of new concrete walking paths. This milestone achievement was made possible in large part due to a substantial grant of $57,000 from the Department of Conservation, and we feel it's essential to take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate this incredible support.


A Grant That Made a Difference

The Department of Conservation's grant was not just a financial boost; it was a vote of confidence in the value of our park and the role it plays in our community. Covering 50% of the total cost, this grant was instrumental in bringing our vision for more durable, accessible, and aesthetically pleasing walking paths to fruition. It's a prime example of how collaborative efforts can lead to tangible improvements in our community spaces.

The Impact of the Grant

  • Financial Support: The grant significantly eased the financial burden of the project, allowing us to allocate resources to other vital park improvements.

  • Community Enhancement: By improving the park's infrastructure, we've enhanced the experience for all visitors, ensuring our park remains a cherished space for relaxation, exercise, and connecting with nature.

  • Sustainability and Growth: The grant aids in our ongoing commitment to maintaining and improving Northeast Community Park, ensuring its sustainability for future generations.

Expressing Our Gratitude

We cannot overstate our appreciation for the Department of Conservation. Their support extends beyond the monetary aspect; it's a partnership that enriches our community. We also want to thank you, our park-goers and supporters, for your ongoing enthusiasm and love for Northeast Community Park. Your engagement and feedback continue to drive our efforts to make our park the best it can be.

As we reflect on this journey, we are reminded of the power of community and partnership. The support from the Department of Conservation is more than just a grant; it's a symbol of trust and collaboration towards a better, more vibrant community space. Thank you for being a part of this journey.


The Tail of the Dog Park Vote