How to Enjoy the Holidays with the Separation

“I’ll be home for Christmas, if only in dreams” this year those lyrics bring a whole new reality to so many… myself included! Between travel restrictions, Covid-19, social distancing, and mask orders…. it feels like in many ways The Grinch has come and tried to steal Christmas.

When I think about the story "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" by Dr. Seuss, I am reminded of how much the Grinch tried to take away. With everything he had in him, he tried to take away the joy of the season, the lights, the trees, the gifts, the traditions, and yet he failed. No matter how hard his attempt was, he could not take away the joy from The Who’s because they made a choice to find joy in the midst of their circumstances.

Today, my heart is with each and every one of you that are separated from family this year. Perhaps this year has been filled with cancelled trips to see family and times of feeling like you would give everything to just hug your loved ones. Today we are faced with the same choice The Who’s made… to allow circumstances to ruin the holidays or to find joy in the midst of the circumstances. Today my prayer is that you would choose joy. I, personally in this situation, am choosing to find joy.

You see, joy comes in realizing that although there may be seasons that you feel alone, you never truly are. One of the promises of God is that He is always with us! Repeatedly in Scripture we find His promise that He will never leave us or forsake us.

Here are a few things (in no particular order) I plan on doing to enjoy the Holidays this year while being separated from family:

  1. FaceTime my family.

    One of the biggest blessings we have is advanced technology. Technology is amazing! During this past year Facetime has been one of my biggest connections to my family back home. We have had family dinners (I’ll cook the same meal as them and then eat at the same time as them while they are on the phone); We have played board games, watched movies together and the list goes on. Family time and memories can still happen with a little creativity during seasons of separation.

  2. Have a “staycation!”

    Head to the store and grab your favorite snacks, books, movies, candles, tea and spend some time relaxing! Maybe there is a project you have wanted to do, but because of busy seasons in your life you may have not been able to spend time focusing on them. Spend some time on you!

  3. Look for ways to serve in the community.

    Maybe there is a family you know who is struggling that you can bless this Christmas. Bake cookies for your neighbors and coworkers. Take some time and think about the things you really enjoy doing during the Holidays and find ways to bless others.

  4. Get out, explore, and create new memories!

    I LOVE road trips and randomly hopping in my car and going for a drive with no real destination. Just wherever the road leads. Most of the time I keep driving until I find somewhere that would look like a neat place to explore. (One of the areas I am loving exploring right now during the Holiday season is Branson… there are so many places with fun light displays and I am enjoying finding and experiencing new places in the area to explore).

  5. Spend some quiet time with God journaling/praying about how you are feeling.

    There are so many beautiful things about God, but one of them is that we can be 100% honest with God about how we are feeling and what we are experiencing. So, spend some time and process through how you are feeling and give it to God, allowing His love to minister to your heart through His word, or spend time listening to worship music and praising Him.

Remember that you are not alone and you are loved! Reach out to your loved ones, get creative, and choose to find joy this season! Let me close out by speaking a blessing over you today. May the Lord bless you this Holiday season and may the promise found in Jesus bring you hope, peace, and comfort. May you experience God’s love in an even deeper way and may you find encouragement in the truth that He is with you always.


The Better Gift


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