10 Family Fun Times for the Fall Weekends

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I grew up in a family that really loved to explore and create memories. I think as an adult my love for travel and adventure grew out of how my parents would take my sister and me on outings. I cherish those memories of spending time with my family. Here’s the best thing too: You don’t have to spend a lot of money to create memories that will last a lifetime! Simply mark them down on your calendar and don’t let anything take their place. Here is a list of 10 activities you can do as a family this fall:  

  1. Leaves and Photos.

    One of the very best things about fall is when the leaves change colors and the air turns crisp. On a sunny fall day, take everyone outside and rake the BIGGEST pile of leaves imaginable. You might even add a surprise element by putting aside the rake and throwing leaves together as a family! Even better, grab your phone and capture the moment of laughter, or simply take turns taking pictures.  

  2. Nature Scavenger Walk.

    Grab a paper bag and as a family take a walk around the block or through a local park. As you are walking, challenge each family member to find an item of every color of the rainbow to put in the bag. Or you can even look up a nature scavenger hunt checklist and see if as a family you can collect all the items. While you are walking, ask your kids some random fun get-to-know-you questions or would-you-rather questions. Make the most of this time of just being together by putting away—or (gasp!) leaving behind—the phones!  

  3. A Thankful Tree for Your Window.

    Out of construction paper create a tree with bare branches that when leaves have been added will fill the window you have selected. Then cut out some leaves. As a family, take a night to sit down and talk about things you are thankful for. Sum up each topic in a word or two, write it on a leaf, and add all the leaves to your tree! As the fall season continues you can attach more leaves of gratitude.   

  4. Bake A Cake/Pie/Cookies.

    The smells of fall are some of the best! You could bake an apple pie, pumpkin pie, pumpkin cookies, oatmeal cookies. Allow the kids to help with measuring out ingredients and mixing them. It may get a little messy, but messy sometimes equals the best memories! 

  5. Living Room Campout.

    One evening bring into the living room sheets, blankets, sleeping bags, pillows—and create a giant canopy/tent for everyone to sit under. Place lights all around the living room, flashlights, nightlights, et al. When you’re set, turn off the main lights. If you really want to let your creativity go, get glow-in-the-dark stars and place them all over the ceiling. Have a family campout in the living room, full of storytelling and camp songs. Have fun with it—and don’t forget the camping snacks!  

  6. Popcorn Creation & Movie Night.

    As a family, head to the store and let each family member choose one or two items to create a popcorn mixing station. Choose one of your favorite family movies and set out all the snacks. Give each family member a bowl of popcorn and allow them to create their own fun popcorn! (My personal favorite is warm popcorn and Reese’s pieces—yum!)  

  7. Decorating Pinecones as Gifts.

    Family members and friends LOVE to get gifts that kids create! One of the fun things you can do is have your kids gather a bunch of pinecones. Then, bring out craft supplies (e.g., paint, glitter, sequins, googly eyes, ribbon). Have the kids decorate the pinecones and then give them as gifts to loved ones and friends. To go along with it, you can even have your kids create a fun greeting card of encouragement .  

  8. Family Game/Puzzle Night and Hot Chocolate.

    Pull out your favorite game and make some yummy hot chocolate to go with it. 

  9. Just Play Catch (outside, of course).

    Grab a baseball or football and just spend time together tossing a ball back and forth. Enjoy catching up on life and school/work.   

  10. Decorate Your Pumpkin Night.

    (Picking out the pumpkins can also be a part of this family activity.) You can use paint or get creative on how you want to decorate them. You might even have a theme for decorating the pumpkins (e.g., to be decorated as your favorite superhero or to look like your favorite food).  

Life will always be busy. But remember:  It is important to set aside time each week to spend one-on-one with your kids, talking to them and creating those memories they will carry with them throughout life. Have fun and happy fall!  


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