Next Level Values Devo Kit

This Week We’re Reading:

This week, we are reading Hebrews 11:24-27 together as a church family. The author of this Scripture shares how Moses had faced some tough decisions but Moses was able to walk confidently in his decisions as he treasured what was most important.

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This Week We’re Asking:

Throughout the coming weeks, we are going to be walking through our core values as a church. We believe as we move into the future there will be moments that don’t have clear answers, but we can be confident as we move forward when we hold onto those essential values in our lives.

  1. Why do you think it is so important to have values for your family?

  2. When you don’t know a decision that you should make, how does having values help?

“He thought it was better to suffer for the sake of Christ than to own the treasures of Egypt, for he was looking ahead to his great reward.”

— Hebrews 11:26

This Week We’re Doing:

As we read Hebrews 11:24-27, we see that Moses faced some tough decisions. When he had to face those moments and move forward with hard decisions he looked at what was most important and took his steps with confidence. This is a great example to us that we need to have strong values in our lives that we can hold on to as we confidently move forward as we strive to glorify Christ.

Heres the challenge!

As a family, find a few minutes to discuss the first value of Praise. That value is “Jesus is the Source.” Share with your family what this value means to you and how living with this value in mind affects the way you live.


Jesus is the Source Devo Kit


The Gifts of Christmas