Preparing for What God is Doing Devo Kit

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This Week We’re Doing:

“Don't Waste the Wilderness" - so many people have walked through a season of "wilderness" or "wandering" which often leads to "wondering.” We sometimes question God and where He is taking us. Take some time to talk about something you have learned as individuals or families during a wilderness season. What are some things you might have to "leave behind" to take the step towards what God has for you next (mindsets, friendships, etc)? Make a list and create an action plan for the steps towards what God has next in your life.

The Fast:

This week, we invite you to join us in fasting Television and Electronics. Some may choose to fast these things during certain times of the day or throughout an entire day. During this time of fasting, use it as an opportunity to pursue greater communion with Christ.

“He will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even before his birth. And he will turn many Israelites to the Lord their God. He will be a man with the spirit and power of Elijah. He will prepare the people for the coming of the Lord.”

— Luke 1:15-16

This Week We’re Reading:

This week we are going to begin our journey by reading from the life of Christ in Luke 7:36-50. Click the “Read Now” button to be directed to the passage.

Read Now

This Week We’re Asking:

This week as we talked about John the Baptist we learned that he was sent to “Prepare the Way” for Jesus. Here are a few questions to lead a discussion with your family this week:

  1. What are some things we can do to help prepare our hearts to receive from God?

  2. What sometimes distracts you from making room for the Holy Spirit to move in your life?

  3. How can we help each other as a family spend time with God?

Preparing for Sunday:

The Bible talks a lot about hearts which are ready to see and know God. Jeremiah 24:7 says, “I will give them hearts that recognize me as the Lord. They will be my people, and I will be their God, for they will return to me wholeheartedly.”

On Sunday morning, before piling in the car or climbing on the couch, take some time to pray these verses over your heart and your family:
• “Create in me a pure heart” (Ps 51:10)
• “Give me an undivided heart” (Ps 86:11)
• “Turn my heart toward your Word” (Ps 119:36)

May God help you to hear directly from Him.


Dealing with Judgement


Prepare the Way